Green Week + Clothing Swap

From Oct. 25-28, MUF&D held its first Green Week, focusing on the ongoing movement of sustainability in fashion for its members. Throughout the week, educational and interactive social media projects were promoted on Instagram including a thrifted ootd challenge, sustainability video and statistics. At the Clothing Swap, members were able to bring in old clothing and swap for new clothing in efforts to encourage sustainable methods in how they acquire clothing. 

Halle Lieffers
Executive Speaker, Randy Cousin

On April 24th, 2019, MUF&D hosted the annual Executive Speaker Event featuring Randy Cousin, VP of Brand Merchandising at Tommy Hilfiger. In addition to his evening lecture on "The Fashion Shift: The New Trends Reshaping the Fashion Industry Today", Randy spoke to the business school’s Marketing + Retailing course as well as attended a Lunch + Learn with eight MUF&D members.

Halle Lieffers
Fashion Week 2019

From April 22-25, 2019, MUF&D set up exhibitions across campus dedicated to interacting with its student environment prior to the annual fashion show. Themes of the displays included Earth Day + Sustainable Fashion, an MUF&D Museum to showcase the organization’s achievements throughout the years, and promotional giveaways for the upcoming fashion show. Students from various divisions + departments were able to join in on the movement by connecting with the members leading the exhibits.

Halle Lieffers
Second All-Org Spring 2019

On March 19th, 2019, MUF&D held our Second All-Org of the spring semester. Prior to the meeting, members had the opportunity to hear from and receive career advice from the former CFO of Stuart Weitzman, Mary Lynn Phillips. Members also learned that MUF&D has acquired its first ever major clothing sponsor - Ascena Retail Group, the holding company of Lane Bryant + Justice. Along with this, members received committee updates, and played a round of fashion trivia!

Halle Lieffers
Merchandising Project

On March 7th, 2019, MUF&D held it’s first ever Merchandising Project. MUF&D members were able to join a multi-committee project to help design and price MUF&D merchandise. Project members discussed how to elevate design concepts, connect with consumers beyond current members, and research product styles to work with. Merchandise will be sold at the 13th annual fashion show.

Halle Lieffers
Wintour Workshop

On February 19th, 2019, MUF&D held its first ever Wintour Workshop. Members had the opportunity to receive advice from other MUF&D members who have held internships in fashion along with networking tips and professional etiquette from alumni and a recruiter from Abercrombie + Fitch. In addition, members were able to have their resumes, LinkedIn accounts, design portfolios, and elevator pitches reviewed in preparation for Miami’s spring career fair.

Halle Lieffers
Rowan Boutique - Makeup + Skincare Workshop

On November 14th, 2018, MUF&D’s Modeling Committee hosted a first-time event in Rowan Boutique in Miami’s student center. The boutique opened its doors after-hours for MUF&D members to participate in a free beauty lecture on skincare routines and makeup application. The event featured a Smashbox specialist who demonstrated a full look on a MUF&D member, while answering beauty questions. Each attendee received a free skincare and makeup gift bag, along with personalized beauty advice.

Halle Lieffers
Friends of Fashion

On November 3rd, 2018, MUF&D hosted its annual Friends of Fashion event. For the first time, the event featured out-of-state panelists within the fashion industry. There were over one hundred attendees, including students, faculty, and panelists, and each attendee received a three-course luncheon followed by a discussion from the panel. MUF&D members had the opportunity to learn how the panelists’ have worked their way to their current roles, and they also received advice on what they can do now, as students, to help prepare for their future careers. The panel consisted of Grace Brooks - Merchant at Madewell, Amelia Ryan - Director of Merchandising at Victoria’s Secret, Taylor Kastenbaum - Global Marketing Coordinator at Calvin Klein, and Maggie Durrin - Assistant Merchant at Ann Taylor.

Halle Lieffers
Clothing Swap

In 2018, MUF&D launched its sustainability initiative in order to address the negative impact of the fashion industry on the environment. As a part of this initiative, MUF&D hosted its first-ever clothing swap on October 29th, 2018. Students were able to exchange pieces from their own wardrobe for tickets to be redeemed for items brought by others. This event was free and open to all Miami students, and provided them with an opportunity to reduce their own carbon footprint. The event had over 80 attendants and more than 600 pieces were collected. Any items not redeemed from the event are being deconstructed into new pieces for the “Reuse, Recycle, and Refashion!” Collab Collection in our 13th Annual Fashion Show.

Halle Lieffers